Recipes I’d like to try, Part 1

1 Feb

I’m always on the lookout for new recipes to try, especially ones that are quick and simple. From time to time, I’ll post some of the ones I’ve found here.

Spinach Lasagna Rolls

I think these look delicious. I might make this with fresh spinach and homemade pasta sauce, since I don’t especially like the flavour of store bought sauces.

Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake

Fortunately, it’s summer time in Australia, which means blueberries are in season here! H loooves blueberries, but I think I love them about ten times more than he does!

Popcorn Brittle

H is always asking if I want popcorn, because he loves popping it on the stove. I like popcorn, but I’m getting pretty tired of having all this plain popcorn around all the time, so I thought this looked like a yummy way to make it more interesting.

Spinach and Apple Salad

H is a big fan of salads, but he tends to make the same salad all the time. He sometimes varies the greens, but it’s always tomato, red onion, spring onion, radish, cucumber, and corn. I’m really bored with that. And I also like fruit based salads a lot, so I might try this and see if he’s willing to swap it out one night for his usual boring salad.

2 Responses to “Recipes I’d like to try, Part 1”

  1. housewifedownunder February 2, 2012 at 1:14 am #

    I made the spinach and apple salad last night. It was a bit hit with G. I quite like the dressing. It coats the salad very well without weighing it down and is just slightly sweet. It was very easy to make, totally effortless. Especially because G has a new set of kitchen knives and is constantly asking me if I need anything cut up, so I made him do the hard work of mincing the onion. For the cheese, I used crumbled feta which was perfect for this salad.

  2. Daisy Epoch Retro Fashion February 7, 2012 at 5:01 am #

    Those recipes do look yummy! : )

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